Meditation for relax the mind

Meditation Crouching Eyes closed cross-legged on the floor and mutter an elongated:               This is about the image that many have in ...


Crouching Eyes closed cross-legged on the floor and mutter an elongated:               This is about the image that many have in mind when they think of meditation.           It is not necessarily wrong, but it falls short. After meditating covers more than "Ohmm" -Murmeln. It is an effective way to relax

"'Meditation' can be derived from the Latin word meditatio and is among other religious contemplation," he explains. Meditation can therefore be limited to the sinking in a special state of consciousness, but also serve the goal of experiencing a spiritual dimension.

  1. Reduce thoughts flow
  2. Training for the mind

I took this picture with my phone, nice day with a friend. here in Bajada de Baños. here is totaly wondelful, with the natur and the Beach. and you can see the sunset, get dream.

Bajada de Baños in Barranco

Today is a wonderful day in Barranco. I can here relax after the work and see the sunset, sometimes i finde someone to talk about Art and other things or see some Artist make wounderful things. they told about their trips around Ameríca or Europe, i find very interesting, that i like travel and visiting other cities.

The old tram of Lima City, call  " Ciudad de Reyes"

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